Purple Coneflower
Scientific name
Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower is a perennial wildflower that typically grows about 1 m tall. This plant may also be known by the common name Echinacea. The leaves are dark green coloured, alternately arranged, lance shaped with pointed tips, and have serrated margins. The flowers are showy, pale purple to pink, have 15-20 toothed petals, appear atop erect stems, and bloom between June and August. This wildflower spreads well and can be used to naturalize un-vegetated areas. The roots can be useful for controlling erosion and stabilizing shorelines. This flower blooms for long periods. The flowers are beneficial to pollinator species, like bees and butterflies. The seeds are also beneficial to wildlife species, like birds and small mammals.
Planting conditions
Purple Coneflower grows best in dry to moist conditions with full or partial sun exposure. It prefers well-drained, organically rich loam or sand but can tolerate a range of soil types. It is tolerant of deer grazing. It can tolerate drought and dry soil but young plants should be watered occasionally until established. This wildflower can be naturally found in open forests, forest edges, prairies, meadows and fields, near roadsides, or along shorelines.
Plant height:
- Max 1.5m
- Max 2m
- Max 3m
- Any
Moisture level:
- Dry
- Normal
- Moist
- Drought Tolerant
Light conditions:
- Full sun
- Partial sun
Soil type:
- Sandy
- Loamy
- Clay
- Rocky
- Normal
- Wildflower
Eco Zone:
- 4a
- 4b
- 5a
- 5b
- 6a
- 6b
- 7a
Plant type:
- Wildflower
- 1m