If you are looking for information on planting native vegetation and maintaining a resilient shoreline buffer through The Natural Edge, check out our resources below!
Are you a delivery partner of The Natural Edge? Sign in to your account to access a page with resources just for partners.
The Natural Edge – An Overview
A natural shoreline creates habitat for wildlife and pollinators, protects water quality, and stabilizes shorelines. Sister Pat of Stillpoint House of Prayer walks you through her experience with The Natural Edge team.
The Natural Edge – A Site Visit
Trained delivery partners walk your shoreline with you to discuss any concerns you have. With your input, we choose appropriate plants based on your land characteristics and height preference, and let you place them where you like. Because we do everything on site using an iPad, you’re with us making key decisions!
The Natural Edge – How It Works
Plan, Plant, Transform. The Natural Edge empowers you to re-naturalize your shoreline and help reduce erosion in your freshwater ecosystem.
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